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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Why Do I Post About Parenting?

I have been doing a lot of thinking over the past few days about why I have become so outspoken in how we have chosen to bring up Stanley.  I am aware that these posts are read by family members and friends, and am also aware that some people would probably rather I did not do this.  I think it's possible family members may find my posts embarrassing.....yet still something in me drives me to share the interesting things I find.

It dawned of me last night the real reason as to why I am so outspoken about subjects, which I think it would be fair to say, are not the necessarily the norm in the UK.  I believe, rightly or wrongly, that if I do not discuss openly what I am doing and decisions I have made, I am quietly accepting that it is 'wrong' or 'abnormal', along with the thoughts of the majority in mainstream society.  I am not ashamed at all of what I am doing; breastfeeding a 33 month old may not be the norm in the UK, but it is certainly not wrong, and I refuse to hide it, to protect others feeling 'uncomfortable'.  The fact that breastfeeding past 6 months in the UK is so uncommon is an issue with the society we live in; so it is no wonder women feel pressurised to wean their children.  The World Health Organisation recommend breastfeeding to a minimum of 2 years old; and any breastfeeding mother whose child has reached their 2nd birthday know that actually there are few reasons to stop at that milestone that are in the childs best interests.  In reality I feel really proud that Stanley and I have come this far in our breastfeeding relationship, in the first week or so I did not think we would manage it at all; and of course now he is older he feeds less and less, and one day, he will wean.  When that day comes I know it will be bittersweet, but I will be so happy that Stanley has been fortunate enough to receive the benefits of breast-milk for so long, and that I had not pressured him to wean sooner than he was ready because society states it's not 'normal'.

I stand by the fact that by writing this blog and posting on Facebook it may educate others and help people feel more confident in following their own maternal instincts, but irrelevent of this fact I think to stop posting now would be me accepting I should conform with society and that I should be ashamed of breastfeeding and co-sleeping a child of Stanleys age; and that just isn't going to happen!

Thanks for reading, hope to update again soon!

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