This is a photograph of Stanley holding my hand. He is a month away from his third birthday, it is hard to believe how quick the last 35 months have passed.
This photo was taken during the drive home from a camping holiday in France. We were sat in the back together watching Toy Story under a duvet, as comfy as you can be while strapped into car seats. A few minutes into the film he looked at me, smiled and said, "Hold my hand Mummy."
Life with Stanley is so precious.
I didn't really think about it until a friend commented on the picture on Facebook that I will come to treasure this photo, for one day Stanleys' hand will be bigger than mine. It is so true; infancy and childhood is fleeting. I believe we should try to make the most of our time with our children; not battle with them to shape them to what we want them to be, for it is a journey and relationship that over time will change. Our children will not be forever dependant upon us as parents, I would like to think that building a relationship with Stanley based upon love, trust and mutual respect is perhaps what will keep us close when the time comes that Stanleys' hand is bigger than mine.
It is funny that at the time a somewhat insignificant picture can turn into something that is quite pivotal in terms of being a parent. Does anyone else have any moments they would like to share which defined them as a parent, or cemented their way of thinking in terms of motherhood?
Following innate maternal instincts have influenced my parental decision making since the day Stanley was born, from breastfeeding to bed-sharing. This blog explores my journey through parenthood, with Stanley leading the way and my maternal instincts guiding us to make natural, gentle choices for all the family.
All content of this blog is my own opinion only. It does not represent the views of anyone I work for, or am associated with.
Nothing within this blog should be considered as medical advice. You should always consult your Doctor or Health Professional.
Nothing within this blog should be considered as medical advice. You should always consult your Doctor or Health Professional.
True, lovely photo, lovely memories.